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Chapter three(6)

2023-09-15原创连载英文小说初中生初三 来源:百合文库
Cecy flinched instinctively away from the black irregular shape that was suddenly covering part of her sight. Seeing that she had caught Cecy’s attention, Lydia removed the object farther from Cecy’s eyes, and as the distance grew longer Cecy was able to see the object clearly: it was not a black object, but a pretty dark purple handkerchief with a delicate butterfly woven out of golden threads in one corner. It looked quite soft and velvety, and not at at all like what the other girl would carry. 

Chapter three

‘Got your attention?’ Lydia said briskly, and waiting for no answer at all, beckoned her forwards towards the dark silowette in the shadows, ‘Hey——I’ll introduce you to your trainer. Well, actually, I am your trainer, but I go away on missions all the time, so this is whom you are going to be taught by most of the time, so——’
Cecy opened her mouth, about to ask ‘What missions?’ But hesitated uncertainly. 
(She could not make out exactly what made her halt, maybe the strange tone in which the other girl was speaking these words. 

Chapter three
