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Chapter three(2)

2023-09-15原创连载英文小说初中生初三 来源:百合文库
Cecilia decides to forget about the whole scene, and focuses once more on the memory. The memory did not halt while she was contemplating what Lydia meant, so she misses the part where Lydia summons, or rather slices the air using her knife in the shape of an oval, thus creating the mirror that teleports. She didn’t explain how she did it, but just grabbed the Cecy who was again frozen, probably with surprise, and took her with herself through to the other side. 

Chapter three

‘You would understand later, Miss Cecilia. I taught myself all this in my past, and you have to teach yourself also, though I would not mind giving a little help.’
‘Just call me Cecy. I will call you Ly in return.’ 
Cecy thought that her whole name with the formal entitlement of ‘miss’ sounded strange somehow. It must had been because she was used to being called Cecy for so long in her life, since she was a little girl. 
(She could only remember one voice who had ever called her Miss Cecilia, in a lovely boyish voice of a child maybe about four years old. Probably a neighbour’s kid.)

Chapter three
