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Chapter three(28)

2023-09-15原创连载英文小说初中生初三 来源:百合文库

Chapter three

Who? Cecy was once more confused. There seemed to be a name at the tip of her tongue, but it vanished into smoke as she thought consciously about it.
When they were little, but who was with Cecy and Becks then? They were always by themselves.
The weird feelings were a bit too frequent since the dark alley, and she had found it best to ignore them, since they led nowhere.
For instance, it would be impolite if she remained on the spot, unanswering, as Will jestured for her to follow him. Cecy moved towards him, and the small confusions were left behind as if they had never existed, wiped from memory and not important. At all.

Chapter three
