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‘One hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and eighty-eight bottles h-h-hanging on a wall… one hundred and thirty-three thousand, four hundred and eighty-eight bottles h-h-hanging on a wall…’ 
‘Go down and get him to stop!’ said the second Alvinsman. 
‘Why me?’ begged the first Alvinsman. ‘He’s already bitten me, done the rude raspberry, eaten half my lunch and the end of my favourite scabbard, and we’ve only had him for five minutes! Why don’t you go down and get him to stop?’ 


‘OK, OK… you have to be firm with these little pests, you’re too soft,’ grumbled the second Alvinsman, and he climbed down a hatch in the middle of the deck. ‘It’s all in your tone of voice. Watch me. Now look here, you horrible little reptile, pipe down or— OW! He bit me too!’ 
‘Don’t for Thor’s sake spank him!’ begged the first Alvinsman. ‘The witch said he was the Last Lost Thing, and it was very important that he was kept in peak physical condition…’ 

