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You find things out about yourself in these rather extreme circumstances. 
Hiccup could barely stand, and he was as blue-white as if he were already dead… But still he shook his head, and would not say where the Dragonmarkers’ hideout was. 
And still there was not a mark on him. 
‘What are you doing, you horrible little boy?’ snapped the witch, quivering with temper. ‘Are you using some fancy foreign breathing technique?’ 


All around the edges of the room, the Dragonmarkers were crying: ‘HICC-UP! HICC-UP! HIC-CUP!’
The admiration had begun to spread, so that even the Alvinsmen were beginning to whisper among themselves: ‘He’s very brave isn’t he? He’s small and skinny, but he sure is brave…’ 
For there is nothing that Vikings admire more than bravery, even in boys with arms like matchsticks. And the fact that the Winterfleshers were not touching him was giving Hiccup a supernatural quality that, at that moment, the witch really could have done without. 

