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It was a truly terrifying minute for Hiccup, trying to hold his breath in the freezing sea, trying to deal with the panic, when it seemed like he couldn’t hold his breath any longer but knew that if he opened his mouth he would not breathe in sweet air but water. 
When the witch drew him up, Hiccup was frost-cold and limp, like a doll with all the stuffing taken out of it. But there was not a mark on him. 


The witch was puzzled. 
‘I don’t understand…’ she hissed. ‘What about the Winterfleshers? Are there none down there?’ 
‘There seem to be plenty,’ said Alvin. ‘But I told you, Mother, he’s tricksy… very tricksy…’ 
The witch lifted up the visor on Hiccup’s helmet. 
‘Well?’ said the witch. ‘Are you ready to tell me where the Dragonmarkers hideout is?’ 
To Hiccup’s relief, he found that he had the courage not to tell her, after all. He shook his head. 

