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‘Put him down again! This time for two minutes!’ 
‘He’ll never betray them,’ said Alvin gloomily. 
It seemed that Alvin might be right. 
Twice the boy was lowered into the water, and still he would not betray his friends. 
‘Patience,’ purred the witch. ‘One more dunking will do it. I can see it in the boy’s eyes. Not even a fully grown adult can take that water more than twice… and he is just a boy.’ 


The third time the Alvinsmen drew the boy out he was a pathetic sight indeed. 
The witch lifted the visor. ‘Well? Will you talk?’ 
Hiccup was a little woozy. The witch was swimming in front of his eyes, and he was so cold his brain had turned to ice. Every part of him shivered like he had the fever. 
He looked inside himself. 
Although a part of him was shouting, ‘Not back down there! Please, I never want to go back there!’… the more important bit of him would never give in. 

