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‘How is he doing it?’ people whispered quietly to one another. ‘The Winterfleshers aren’t touching him… why do you think that is?’ 
‘Maybe there aren’t any down there!’ howled the witch. 
But the sea was so boiling with Winterfleshers that, at that very moment, one of them jumped right up through the TRAPdoor, and lay flapping, stranded on the wooden floor, before Alvin angrily kicked it back down through the hatch again. 


‘I think your plan may be backfiring, Mother… you’re turning him into even more of a Hero than he was before…’
The exasperated witch ground her teeth. She changed tactics. 
‘In your heart of hearts you do not wish to become King, Hiccup,’ she cooed. ‘For you know that whoever does become King will have to make the terrible decision to extinguish the dragons forever with the Dragon Jewel… You don’t want to bear that guilt, do you, Hiccup? For that guilt is the lot of a King…’ 

