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Hiccup’s heart nearly failed. 
It was his darkest fear that he might have to do that… 
‘Well,’ purred the witch, ‘I can just take the problem off your hands. We will let you and your friends off the hook. We will give you and your Dragonmarkers safe conduct. You can live free in the Archipelago, anywhere you like. Berk, if you want… imagine living a nice quiet peaceful life on Berk…’ 
Hiccup thought longingly of his childhood home. Of the world before all this happened… 


‘And the dragons…’ said Hiccup. ‘What about the dragons?’
The witch’s voice hardened. ‘It is too late for the dragons. The dragons will die anyway. But you have it in your power to save the lives of all those you love… Don’t let them die all THROUGH YOUR FAULT…’ 
This was the greatest trial of all. 
It was far harder than withstanding the cold, the lack of oxygen. For what the witch proposed was so tempting. 

