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Hiccup did not know. 
He looked down into the grim, soulless water, and he was shaking already. He had fallen into the sea in winter before, and he knew how it almost burned you at first, and how quickly you turned numb, as if you had ceased to exist. 
He also knew what a surprisingly short time it took to die in the winter sea – two, three minutes, perhaps? 
Please don’t let me give in… thought Hiccup to himself. Please let me be braver than I think I am… 


Hiccup was lowered, by two Alvinsmen Warriors, down, down into the cold, cold sea.
Oh, it was so cold. 
It was so cold that as it tightened round his chest, squeezing all the breath out of him, it was as if he were being crushed in the fist of a Frost Giant – or was it a Fire Giant? At temperatures that low, they are one and the same. 
The witch left him under the water a good minute before she brought him up again. 

