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渣翻:火花(Sparks) 雅文战役中金色2号德克斯(Dex)的故事(2)

2023-06-13星球大战星战小说 来源:百合文库
Thinking of the people there, their lives obliterated in an instant of fire and pain, at once enraged and afflicted him. It was an atrocity, and he wanted the Empire to answer for it.
But he wasn’t naïve. Whatever answer the Rebel Alliance would force from the Empire in just a few hours would be…likely futile. He knew how things would probably end. Seemed to him their choices were to run from Yavin’s moon and live—maybe—or to stay and fight and die.

渣翻:火花(Sparks) 雅文战役中金色2号德克斯(Dex)的故事

Not one person. Not anymore.
Alderaan had put a fierce resolve in everyone, from support troops to pilots. They were done running.
True, rumors swirled among the flight crews that Princess Organa had returned with some kind of secret intelligence about the Empire, but Dex didn’t see how mere intelligence could help. The battle with the Death Star would come down to a test of flesh and metal.And the Empire had much more of both. The remaining Alliance forces on Yavin 4 were a ragtag collection of starfighters and light cruisers—almost no capital ships had survived the battle at Scarif. Together, all their soldiers couldn’t even operate a fraction of the Death Star.