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necklace he gave me. ‘But we’re not safe yet…’ he whispered. Hiccup knew this instinctively. ‘The Deadly Shadow has not yet decided what to do with us.’ The Deadly Shadow strode around them, circling like an invisible tiger. Deep in its throats was a noise that in a less magnificent, noble, wild creature, might have been purring. But that was not a happy purring, it was a purring that Hiccup knew well. That was a ‘considering’ purring. Toothless did exactly the same thing when he was trying to decide whether or not to do something. Hiccup and Camicazi sat absolutely still in the sandy grass. Even Camicazi knew not to speak, and that their lives were in the balance. Round and round them the creature paced, the three heads arguing with one another. You couldn’t see it, but you could hear it, feel it – the moving air, the great dragon footsteps all around them in the grass. There were fifteen circles of great dragon footprints around them before the Deadly Shadow stopped circling and brought its three heads very close to Hiccup, the heads now visible and waving like snakes in front of a snake-charmer.

