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me to this friend of yours.’ Hiccup’s stomach turned to jelly. Was it possible? Here was a bewildering turn of events. The dragon that was just trying to kill them, was now trying to help them. For one second Hiccup wondered if it could be a trap, that the Deadly Shadow could be about to take them to the Dragon Furious. But it could do that anyway, without asking their permission, or saying pretty please. ‘What are you doing?’ asked Camicazi, open- mouthed, as Hiccup climbed aboard the shining impossibility of the Deadly Shadow’s back. ‘That dragon just tried to kill us!’ ‘It seems to have changed its minds,’ said Hiccup. ‘Are you coming?’ Nobody changed her mind quicker than Camicazi. ‘You betcha!’ said Camicazi, thrusting both of her swords and her emergency battle-axe in her belt. She scrambled up after Hiccup and settled down behind him, beaming all over her little monkey face. She gave a sniff of satisfaction, and stroked the shining back. ‘I told you. I love Stealth Dragons.’ ‘Ooh so do I!’ squealed Stormfly, turning a

