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The middle head spoke. ‘We have been at war with ourselves,’ said the middle head in that doomy-echoey miasma of a voice. Hiccup nodded his head respectfully. ‘For there are two reasons why you are here. Two Quests. The first is as you say, you are looking for your friend, who you really believe is alive.’ The first head gave what might have been a snarl, or a snort of appreciation, and sent a bolt of flame down into the sandy grass that made Hiccup and Camicazi jump. ‘You spoke the truth,’ said the middle head. ‘But the Dragon Furious spoke the truth too. There is a second Quest...’ said the middle head. ‘You seek the Dragon Jewel. This is a dangerous Quest, and one that could have dreadful implications for the entire dragon race…


‘For the Dragon Jewel is no ordinary Jewel. If it is found, it has a secret. And if a human knew that secret, he could use the power of the Jewel to kill not just one dragon, but all dragons. He could make us extinct, obliterate us for ever. ‘But you seek it nonetheless…’ This time, the third head gave what was definitely a snarl – more than a snarl, a roar – and the
bolt of flame that it sent out missed Hiccup by inches, and only because the middle head anticipated it and gave it a knock to the left. ‘We have a dilemma ourselves,’ said the middle head. ‘For we have made two promises. One to the Dragon Furious, which was to kill you. The other to someone else, a long time ago. Innocence here, on my left,’ (the left head bowed) ‘would help you find this friend of yours, who means a great deal to us. ‘On the other hand, Arrogance here’ (the right head bowed and snarled) ‘would kill you. ‘I have the casting vote,’ said the middle head. It paused, and then continued slowly. ‘Because the first promise that we made has a prior claim, we will help you.’ Hiccup gave a sigh of relief. The result really did seem to have been in the balance. ‘Thank you,’ said Hiccup, bowing his head. ‘All I would say, is that there are others who seek the Jewel, and they would use it to destroy.’ ‘Ah,’ said the middle head sadly, ‘but they would never find it without your help.’ The Deadly Shadow knelt down beside them, inviting them to climb on its back. ‘Come,’ said the middle head compellingly. ‘Take