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17. DID I ALREADY MENTION THAT THE PAST HAS A WAY OF CATCHING UP WITH THE PRESENT? ‘It was a gift,’ said Hiccup. All three heads of the Deadly Shadow started in surprise, for it is unusual for a human to speak Dragonese. And then the three heads spoke eagerly, again with that unbearable note in their voices, as if they had been longing for something for a very long time, and were thinking that the something they had long past hoped for was about to be snatched from them. ‘So you are not the owner of this necklace? Who gave it to you? Where are they? Are they alive?’ The questions came from three directions at once, and delivered in those strange confusing voices it made Hiccup’s head reel, as if the heads were speaking in some echoing confusing cave. ‘He was my friend…


He is alive… I hope he is alive… I am looking for him…’ pleaded Hiccup. ‘That is why I am here.’