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The Island Chapter 12 Part 2(8)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 12 Part 2

“No, NO, NOOOOO! AMALIA! AMALIA! My god! No Amalia! ” Arthur saw John screamed as hard as he can in the forest. Suddenly Arthur saw George came from the back and hit John head hard, and then he falls. “Told ya this will be much easier.”
“Oh no, it got John...” Arthur watches all of this just happened, while more and more details are being remembered...
 “Relax, as far as they know, we’re still blinding in.” Arthur said: “So we keep it that way, pretend that we don’t know anything, we are going to find everything that we can use right now. Owen, you go find Kanuba, distract his attention. Blair, you go find George and John, make them followed you as far as you can. I’m going back to the ship and find Poluto. When all is set......” “Then what?” Blair asked Arthur.

The Island Chapter 12 Part 2
