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02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ(3)

2023-05-30搞笑英语小说 来源:百合文库
During the war towards monsters and evils, Watermelon won. But Ox Iron hurt seriously and disappeared. (To be continued.)
So how many mistakes have you found?
① in the planet 改为 on the planet
② there appears a rain with diamonds. 改为 there was a rain with diamonds.
③ ancient time 改为 ancient times
④ high expectation 改为 high expectations
⑤ there happened a severe earthquake 改为 there was a severe earthquake

02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ

⑥ from the hell 删掉 the
New words and phrases:
I am extremly sleepy so I give up to list them.
