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02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ

2023-05-30搞笑英语小说 来源:百合文库

02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ

A Love Story of Prince Ox Iron and Princess Flower Jade
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Long long ago, situated in the biggest cloud of Planet Rongrong was a navigable and cosmopolitan city named Magic City, which was the capital of Country Watermelon. Ox Iron, the prince of the manorch monarch, was an unpredecented unprecedented brave captain of the most significant ship. 
The prince was an unbeatenable unbeatable / invincible myth in the planet. According to the record of the history, when the prince was born, there appears a rain with diamonds. At the same time, a great number of phoenixes thronged into the mansion. At the end of the rain, a golden sword was given by the flying phoenix king from ancient time. So the old king dubbed his new born son a glorious title of Prince Ox Iron. 

02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ
