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03 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅱ

2023-05-30 来源:百合文库

03 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅱ

Sunday, July 19, 2020
The Jade
I am Flower Jade. I love sugarcanes. I was born in spring, more accurately, on 15th May. On that day seventeen years ago, mom said, flowers were blossoming and full of energy while I was sleeping quitely quietly on the peach tree. So I was named Flower. As you can see, I am an adopted girl because my parents were dying for a daughter after giving birth to three sons. Mom said I was the prettiest baby she had ever seen. The number of babies she had ever seen, I think, was not more than four. The truth is that I am the posthumous baby left by father’s younger sister who was titled the Memimomo First Beauty but died because of giving birth a baby. And that baby is exactly me. How miserable! Besides this, my biological father even died earlier than his wife owing to a war. Apparently, I became an orphan. Mom insisted that I was a gift thanks to her sincere pray prayer for a whole year. Therefore, I accepted her unselfish love comfortably.

03 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅱ
