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04 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅲ

2023-05-30 来源:百合文库

04 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅲ

An Expedition for Manjusaka
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
In Memimomo, there is only one temple called Inundated Temple. Inundate Temple is renowned for Buddist Buddhist monks and manjusaka flowers. According to a myth from mouth to mouth, when a soft breeze ruffles the flowers, petals are falling whirly. At this time, if you appropriately roam about and make a sincere wish solemnly, goddess of manjusaka hidden in the little bit of flickering fluorescent cast by translucent petals will fulfill your wishes.

04 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事 Ⅲ
