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02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ(2)

2023-05-30搞笑英语小说 来源:百合文库
Ox Iron studied hard when other children at his age played games or nestled in the arms of their parents because of his father’s high expectation. Once he expressed a wish of petting a dog, the king frowned but agreed. After the sudden departure of the king, however, the dog died. Ox Iron sobbed at the age of sixty. Then he never shed a tear or smiled any more.
He had been deemed as the next civic leader since his birthday of three hundread hundred years. On that day, he addressed a lucid speech about his design and schedule of the future development of his country and even the planet. The speech was so shocking and excellent that people all over the country regarded him as a talent. 

02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ

But the king was still unsatisfied. At that time, there happened a severe earthquake on Midgard, which resulted in a deep crevice that released lots of cruel monsters and evils from the hell. Ox Iron was sent to prevent maltreatment from the wicked and protect the human beings on the ground. As a captain of ten thousand troops, frugal Ox Iron tried his best to cut military expenditure as much as possible.

02 错误百出的日记——铁牛与翠花的爱情故事Ⅰ
