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The Island Chapter 11(9)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
 “We have to go now or next is us!” Blair drags Owen out of the temple. The Kalulu people start to move slowly and chase Arthur. Due to the damage of the stone, they cannot run very fast. The red veins followed the Kalulu people and start to spread to the entire island. “Just keep running! We have to get to “Enlightening”! Whatever you do, don’t look back!” Arthur shouted to Blair and Owen while keep running down the hill. Kanuba and George chase back. “Where do you think you’re going!” Kanuba grabs Blair’s hand and opened his face to his monster form. “Blair take this!” Owen throws his spear to Blair and she stabbed Kanuba in his face. Kanuba falls from the hill with a spear in his face. George runs toward Owen. “Owen looked out!” Arthur swings his torch to George and the next second, George starts to burn and lying down on the floor with a huge scream. “Thanks, Arthur. ” Owen said, they continued their escape in the jungle.

The Island Chapter 11

“There it is! The “Enlightening”! That’s our ticket home!” Arthur said with excitement. While Owen and Blair followed on the back. They climbed to the deck. “Owen, go check the engine. Blair, turn on the radio. We’re getting the fuck out of here.” Arthur said while igniting the ship, he pushes the ‘fire’ button for once, he pushes twice but there’s no feedback. “Arthur! The wire is connected! It should work!” Owen shouted. “Come on, you beauty, come on! Light! It! Up!” Arthur shouted to the pilot panel and suddenly, the engine starts with a roar, the light of ship lights up the beach and the waves. “It worked! We’re coming home, guys! Arthur said while trying to push the speed lever to the top. The ship starts to speed up. 