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The Island Chapter 9(4)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
 “Blair? Is that you?” John saw Blair walked to the tribe, while he and George are sitting in the cabin. “Hey guys, where did you guys go today? ” Blair said to the two puppets, trying to distract their attention. “We, uh, we went to a place for, for fishing right George?” John said. “Yeah, it goes well, isn’t it? We thought to go looking for you and come join us, but we didn’t found you. Oh that’s right, Tonia said that you are playing hide and seek with her, you sure find a good spot.” George said to Blair with his typical smiling. “Yeah, so listen. Arthur and Owen haven’t back yet, the views must be great in the forest, you know, why don’t we have more fun over there? Maybe we can see what mystery is around that “Dark forest” right?” Blair trying to trick those two puppets. Where the original George and John are missing. “Yeah, sure Blair, we would love to go to that forest with you. ” John said while turning to George and give a wink. “Great, let me go to my cabin and grab a flashlight, John, are you coming?” Blair gives John a little eye contact, and then she turned around and found something: It was a torch near her cabin. “If these things are made by plants, they must afraid of fire. I can use it to be my leverage to bargain .” Blair thought. “Come on John, don’t be a chicken, just go with Blair.” George keeps rushing John he didn’t realize that Blair already knows everything. “Sure, let’s go, Blair. ” John answered while Blair walks straight towards her cabin. After a moment, they arrived at Blair’s cabin. “So, uh. Why are you calling me to come with you to your cabin, Blair?” John is very confused. “For this, you imposer!” Blair suddenly took the torch in front of her and swings it to John’s head. John fall to the ground, George heard the noise and ran over: “Blair? What is this? Why did you do that?” George asked Blair while Blair keeps holding the torch. “Stay back, or I will burn you, two grass person, into ashes!” George didn’t move, he knows Blair could kill him and John. “Where is the real George and John?! Take me to them right now or I swear the last thing you will see is the fire burns through your body!” Blair shouted to the two puppets.