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The Island Chapter 8(2)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
The Void
“Where, where am I ?” John woke up in a place. He looked around him. This place is not like any place he stayed before, it was so dark that he couldn’t see anything. He walked a few steps, trying to find a wall or something to help him figure out where this place is. But after a while, he realized that this place does not have anything but infinite darkness, like another dimension apart from the earth. In this dimension, there’s no light, no life, nothing exists in here. Like a void in the space. “Hello? Is anybody there? Where am I? Please, someone! Answer me!” John shouted with despair. But there was nothing comes back, John can only hear his voice from the echo. Suddenly, John saw something. It looks like an object, flashing red light, standing in the dark. John couldn’t see it clearly, so he walked by. After approaching to that object, John saws the shape of that object.

The Island Chapter 8

It was the shape of a man.
The devil with red veins
John walked in front of that man, but he cannot see his face. The giant red veins covered up his entire body, making this man looks like a cocoon. The red veins are wriggling around his body, changing positions with each other, from up and down switching to left and right. John reaches out his hand and pulled out some of the red veins. The object seems to be in great pain when John pulled those veins. After a while, John can finally see the face of the object and it shocks John to believed what he saws: It was George, but skinnier, his face is almost without flesh, but his skull, it looks like the red veins wrapped him and took his health away, leaving just a skeleton in the end. “George! It’s me! John! Wake up! What happened to you, oh my goddess!” John shakes George, trying to wake him up. George slowly opened his eyes and saw John, he was so weak to make himself out of those veins. George uses his last breath to spoke his last words: “John...... You have to...... run........ It’s coming...... Just run......” George closed his eyes again and lost his breath. “No, No! George! Wake up buddy, wake up!” John starts to crying next to George’s body. Suddenly he heard a giant screaming from the other direction, It was a sound that John never heard before. After the scream, there is the sound of running, and it’s coming closer to John. John hasn’t restored from the grief of George. When he realized the danger, it was too late. John saw a monster, no, more like a devil made by those red veins getting closer to John. The veins start to move in the air with more frequently after it nears John. “What are you? What are you going to do to me? Wait! No! Stop!” The monster’s red veins attached to John, Climbing to his body by a mass speed, and not a second, John couldn’t scream anymore, he was frozen like a statue, just like George, standing in the void.