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The Island Chapter 1(4)

2023-05-29 来源:百合文库
“Stop it guys, the point of this trip is about having fun not arguing about who has got a bigger brain.” Said Arthur, Who is checking the destination. “Mister, have you see the problem of our engine? We have to go before noon, otherwise the storm will arrive and there’s no “happy trips” then.”
“Is ok now, there’s a wire which is easy to broke inside the engine, I’ve put it back on the right place now, should be not a problem now.” Said with the local fisherman with a mediocre English and with a Indonesia’s accent. While the crews are getting ready to sail out. The fisherman put his hand on Arthur: “Be careful son, the sea can be a beast when he thinks you are his prey, water can be harmless to see but do not think water cannot take your life when you aren’t focus” “Thank you mister, I have 2-years experience on sailing on the sea, I will proceed with caution, thank you for your help.” After watching old man get off from the boat. Arthur said “Alright, who’s ready for a sweet trip on the sea? Let’s go!”

The Island Chapter 1

With the cheers , the journey of these 5 students has officially begun, with the breeze of the wind, they sailed the yacht away from the dock, and heading towards to the huge, vast, unknown sea.