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随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发(4)

2023-05-29英语易容 来源:百合文库
"I stabbed the victim from the back through to the front, and then pushed them down the river. Right?"
"I like how they suffered. The lifeless body tumbling, up and down as the river goes, and then gradually out of sight. What an interesting way to end a life!"
"You think I'm crazy? I'm perfectly fine!" He chuckles.
"How? Just another predictable being, aren't ya?~"
The interrogator coughs.
"From the scene, it was a stormy day, the rain was pouring, and you were seen murdering the victim during the stormy hours."

随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发

"I see. How many eye-witnesses?"
"Hmm. Okay. Continue."
The person in black and white stripes smirks.
He is smooth with his words.
"It's only because you are too easy to trick, darling~."
"You're afraid of me, right?~"
"I-I'm not-"
"Aww, you're so cute when you stutter~!"
"Shut up!"
The interrogator is losing his cool.
The tides have turned. What was the saying again? You have won have the battle if your enemy is being driven by emotions.