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随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发(8)

2023-05-29英语易容 来源:百合文库
There, the criminal takes off his disguise and reveals the true him.
A young man, around his 20s, with silver hair and scarlet eyes.
Skinny, pale, but not frail.
Looking weak, but sturdy.
An influencer.
A person who controls everything.
But doesn't look like he is controlling anything.
The ultimate form of a Joker.
A wild card.
He smirks as a motorbike comes towards him and stops right beside him.
"Yuki, quick! Hop on before the cops realise you're outta the HQ!" The biker whisper-shouts.

随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发

The helmet was thrown to him.
He catches it.
And he jumps on the bike.
"You saved me again, Hinorou~" Akakage smirks and giggles.
"Hang on tight because it's going to be a tough ride. So stop messing around." Hinorou sighs and the engine rumbles in response.
And then they were off.
