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随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发(3)

2023-05-29英语易容 来源:百合文库
"Oh~? Looks like you, officer, cannot handle the pressure!~ Heehee!~" The criminal replies.
The flow.
The smooth curl of his smirk.
The criminal doesn't seem to be bothered by the atmosphere in the room.
He is like a person from another dimension.
Only he isn't.
He is in this room.
Sitting there.
Involved in this conversation.
The flow went silent.
But the tension keeps flowing.
This never stops.
Usually, when prisoners come around to the interrogation room, they stutter like crazy.

随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发

Sitting in front of the criminal, the interrogator sighs.
"Let's start over again. What's your name?"
"Akakage Yukine." The criminal replies.
The voice.
Somehow, this criminal is putting pressure on him rather than what is supposed to be like.
The tide was on the ebb for you, darling. Now I'll turn the tide towards my side. The criminal chuckles as he plays with the interrogator.
"Well, then. From what we've researched about what you did-"

随手一写吧,又是英文,有Persona 5启发
