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He shoots her a dirty glare and her cackle fills the warm space.
“Shirt off.”
He lets her poke and prod until she’s satisfied. If his math is correct this beauty is number twenty-eight: If he were counting bruises and poisonings… forty-two. Yennefer circles him like a hawk, hissing in sympathy when she sees the latticework.
“These are new.”


The twin scars on his right bicep remind him of claws and he says as much. There are stories on his skin he is not privy to and it stings as much as ever.
Jaskier’s lovers enjoyed guessing where his scars came from; thinking him a bard by day and a pirate – or something equally romantic – by night. Rarely did Jaskier admit the truth because the mention of soulmates was known to sour a physical encounter, especially if feelings were blossoming.

