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origin ver. section 5(6)

2023-03-25阿门罗 来源:百合文库
Wordlessly, Thane turned and drew the Hakonsbane, his training dummies waiting patiently to absorb his ire-filled blows. He showed them no quarter, hacking away until their hay-filled innards covered the ground. This continued well into morning, stopping only when something caught his attention: a familiar howl coming from across the Hound’s Tongue.
Thane turned and squinted into the mist. In the distance, a figure was fast approaching. He could make out a flowing cloak, a massive bow…
“River?” Thane turned and bolted through the market district, down a spiral staircase hewn into the mountain, and across a courtyard near the main gate. The door was already open, and a handful of guards were surrounding River, who was still trying to make her way forward. Her fur was covered in twigs and brambles, and her feet left bloody tracks on the stone.
Thane pushed through the guards. “River? What’s happened?”
The ranger stumbled. Thane made to catch her, but she regained her balance mid-fall and hastily pushed the prince away.
“Calm down,” Thane said. “Just take a breath.”
River shook her head. “I’m… fine. Now… get someone here who knows… what they’re doing.”
Thane scowled. It was no great secret that River held him in about the same regard as his brother did. “Where’d you come from?”