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origin ver. section 5(5)

2023-03-25阿门罗 来源:百合文库
“Did anyone besides me leave the castle?”
“Again, not to my knowledge.” The shield maiden shook her head. “Perhaps you should return to your bedchambers. Likely you are simply mistaken. Or tired.”
“Where is the bear quartered?” Thane asked. “I wish to speak with her.”
The shield maiden’s mood swung in an instant. “Prince Fang was quite clear that Anara not be disturbed.” She leaned down menacingly to the young prince. “By anyone.”
“I would—”
“You would be most wise to return to your quarters,” the shield maiden said curtly. “Before I wake your brother and ask him to clarify his orders.”
Thane considered a great many responses to this, but wisely chose to acquiesce. Still, there were two things he knew for certain as he reluctantly returned to his chambers: he was not tired, and he had not been mistaken.
The sun rose without fanfare; an endless veil of thick, shapeless clouds shrouded the northern lands that morning. By the time Thunder, Fang, and Anara left, Thane had already been sulking for hours. He watched them leave with great misgivings from the overlook in the training grounds, and remained there until the trio disappeared into the morning haze sitting low over the grey stone of the Hound's Tongue.