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"The probe is running an analysis," the treddroid updated.
With the reciprocating sounds of the probe's hydraulic jacks echoing in the crystal cave, Tenebrous began to circle the shaft, only to come to a sudden halt when the drilling ceased.
"Why has it stopped?" he asked before Plagueis could.
The droid's reply was immediate. "The Em-Two unit informs me that it has discovered a pocket of gas directly beneath the new borehole." The droid paused, then added: "I'm sorry to report, sirs, that the gas is a highly combustible variant of lethane. The Em-Two unit predicts that the heat generated by its hydraulic jacks will ignite an explosion of significant magnitude."
Suspicion crept into Tenebrous's voice. "The original report made no mention of lethane."
The droid pivoted to face him. "I know nothing of that, sir. But the Em-Two unit is quite insistent. What's more, my own programming corroborates the fact that it is not unusual to find pockets of lethane in close proximity to cortosis ore."