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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(19)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“You… you called it off weeks ago?”
”你... 你几周前就把它取消了?”
“Yeah, weeks! Right after she told me about your parents… after she trusted me with who she was… I knew then that… that I loved her… that I couldn’t risk not having her in my life, I couldn’t risk her finding out about it all… so… I took the hit and agreed to introduce Scaramouche to Mona in exchange for him dropping it. That’s why we did the double date, to look out for her. But she didn’t need it and the bet was over and, and I thought everything was okay, I thought everything would be okay…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

” a single droplet hit his jeans, forcing him to quickly wipe at his eyes. “I love her, Aether… I thought that… that it was over, that she’d be safe from finding out about it, that we’d be okay…”
“对,好几个星期前!就在她告诉我你父母的事之后,就在她信任我,告诉我她的事之后,我就知道,我爱她,我不能冒险失去她,我不能冒险让她知道这一切,所以,我认输了,同意把Scaramouche介绍给Mona作为交换,他放弃了那个赌。所以我们才四人约会,为了照顾莫娜,但是她不需要。打赌结束了,我以为一切都没事了,我以为一切都会好起来的... ...”一滴水滴打在他的牛仔裤上,迫使他迅速地擦拭着眼睛。“我爱她,空... 我以为... 一切都结束了,她不会发现的,我们会没事的...”

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
