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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(17)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
He wouldn’t have known her otherwise.
“You think that justifies it?”
“No! Gods no, like I said it was fucking awful of me… I will never deny that, but… she made me laugh! She made me want to be with her… even when it was hard being with her” Aether’s brow raised in deadpan question. “Don’t look at me like that you know your sister is a pain in the ass in some ways… but I love them all… even though I couldn’t do the things I liked doing. I couldn’t spoil her, couldn’t spend my money how I wanted because she disapproved, I couldn’t take her to fancy restaurants or buy her clothes without her stressing out over money! It wasn’t easy, Aether…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

nothing about your sister is easy… but she made me feel good, made me want to try… she made me better.”
“不!天啊,不,就像我说的那样,我真他妈的坏...我永远不会否认这一点,但是... 她让我笑了!她让我想和她在一起...即使和她在一起很难。”空抬起眉毛,面无表情地向他提问。“别用那种眼神看我,你知道你妹妹在某些方面是个讨厌鬼... 但我爱她的一切... 即使我不能做我喜欢做的事情。我不能宠坏她,不能随心所欲地花钱,因为她不同意,我不能带她去高档餐厅或者给她买衣服,同时还不让她为钱而烦恼!这并不容易,空... 你妹妹的一切都不容易... 但她让我感觉很好,让我想尝试... 她让我变得更好。”

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
