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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(21)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
you had this secret, this lie you were constantly telling her and you KNOW what she’s like with liars, you know she doesn’t trust easily, I told you that she doesn’t trust people, I told you that point blank, to your face that she doesn’t trust people easily… and instead of just… telling her, letting her decide for herself how she wanted to react to this, which honestly, Ajax if you would have just fucking told her it would have made everyone’s lives so much easier, none of this would have happened, you kept it from her. You let someone else tell her, you let someone else drill it into her mind that she was nothing to you, that your entire relationship was bullshit, some sick, twisted game you were playing with your friends, that she gave you every little piece of herself and you were just laughing about it with your friends. The worst part is though…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

you CONFIRMED that, to her face, in front of everyone. You weren’t protecting her, Ajax, you were protecting yourself.”
“ ...如果你爱她——”他的声音很坚定,但不再像以前那样带着严厉的气息。“那你就不会让这样的事情发生在她身上。”空慢慢地转向他,眼睛还是黑的,他还是很生气,但是...显然已经不想再揍他了。 “你不只是搞砸了,Ajax。你在不断的搞砸。在你认识她的整个时间里,从开始到今天... 你都保留着这个秘密。你不断的欺骗她,你知道她是怎么对待骗子的,你知道她很难相信别人,我告诉过你她不相信别人,我直截了当地告诉你,她很难相信别人...可你却没有... 告诉她,让她自己决定她想怎么应对这件事,老实说,Ajax,如果你他妈的告诉她了,这会让每个人的生活都变得容易得多,这一切都不会发生,你瞒着她。你让别人告诉她,你让别人钻进她的脑子告诉她,她对你来说什么都不是,你们的关系就是一坨屎,是你和你朋友玩的一些变态扭曲的游戏,她把自己的所有都给了你,而你只是和你的朋友一起把她当成玩笑。