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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(16)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
Aether gripped his jeans tight in his hands. “Four.” His voice shook with barely restrained rage.
“I fucked up Aether, I can’t deny that I won’t deny it, I know I fucked up… but this bet brought her to me… it gave me a chance to… to get to know her, I never would have before it, I’d have never known who she was, I’d have never been given the chance, or had a reason to really change who I was, what I was quickly becoming again… I know I fucked up, the bet…

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

it was awful, it was a vile, awful thing to do to anyone… but I found the woman of my goddamn dreams through it!” While it was awful, it’d given him the opportunity to know her, and so he couldn’t be entirely regretful for having taken it.
“我搞砸了,空,我不能否认,我不会否认,我知道我搞砸了... 但是这个赌局把她带到了我身边... 它给了我一个机会... 去了解她,在那之前我永远不会,我永远不会知道她是谁,我永远不会有机会,或者有一个理由去真正改变我自己,避免不了变回曾经的模样... 我知道我搞砸了,这个赌局... 这很可怕,这对任何人来说都是卑鄙,可怕的事情... 但是我通过它找到了我他妈的梦中情人!”虽然这很糟糕,但这给了他认识她的机会,所以他不能完全后悔接受了这个机会。

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
