《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(1)(21)
2024-06-14克苏鲁神话《让这里陷入黑暗吧》 来源:百合文库
“导弹!” 他喃喃自语。他走到电视机前,开始调整下方的旋钮。朱蒂看着画面逐渐变化。它的轮廓变得清晰起来,她意识到自己正在俯视说服部的主厅,看向外门。巨大的钢制入口在混凝土上破碎,扭曲、破裂,似乎半熔化,而白色的混凝土粉尘厚厚地悬在空中。大门外散落着一辆装甲卡车的破旧残骸和乱七八糟的铁丝网残骸。炭黑色的东西,隐隐约约地暗示着人形,到处都是。. . .
3. They traversed many corridors and descended many stairs, occasionally passing charred, mangled forms that lay oozing amid the tattered remnants of black uniforms. Sometimes they saw heaps of blackened bones or dark, sticky blotches where the plaster had flaked from the walls as if from intense heat. Once Judy glimpsed the upper half of a man leaning upright in a corner, his white laboratory smock spotlessly clean above the charred mass of his lower limbs mingled with what seemed to be the half-molten remnants of a sub-machine gun. Another time she glimpsed a human head glaring up from the floor, and was vaguely surprised to recognize the fear-contorted features of Constantine. She felt no horror, however, only a dreamlike numbness. . . .