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《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)(5)

2024-06-14克苏鲁神话《让这里陷入黑暗吧》 来源:百合文库

《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)

“仔细听着,菲茨罗伊,”皮茨说。“你现在所有的力量都消失了,当 Yuggoth-spawn 消灭你时,只剩下你的大脑,活密封在一个金属罐里。他们在 Yuggoth 的图书馆里有数百万这样的大脑,就像我们过去一样在地球上有书;这就是他们积累和储存他们统治的所有无数世界的知识的方式。他们会把你活生生的思想带到太阳系边缘的 Yuggoth,然后把你放在他们档案馆的架子上你会坐下来思考和梦想一千年。是的,一千年或人类的大脑可以活很长很长的时间,而不是局限在衰老的身体里。你想要这发生吗,菲茨罗伊?”
1. Then he noticed groups of the Yuggoth-spawn emerging from the mangled steel gate, dragging the stiff bodies of men behind them. There were no signs of injury on any of the bodies. The lobster-like creatures were stacking them in low piles like cord-wood -- one pile of uniformed guards, another of white-smocked technicians, a third of black-coveralled Nazirites.

《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)
