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《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)(4)

2024-06-14克苏鲁神话《让这里陷入黑暗吧》 来源:百合文库

《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)

2. "Listen carefully, FitzRoy," said Pitts. "All your power is gone now, and when the Yuggoth-spawn are done with you there will be only your brain left, sealed alive in a metal canister. They have millions of such brains in their libraries on Yuggoth, just as we used to have books on earth; that is how they accumulate and store the knowledge of all the countless worlds they rule. They will carry your living mind out to Yuggoth, on the rim of the solar system, and put you on a shelf in their archives where you will sit and think and dream for a thousand years. Yes, a thousand years庸or the human brain can live a long, long time when it is not confined in an aging body. Do you want this to happen, FitzRoy?"