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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given(14)

“No, no, no,” I shifted through the various blouses, all of which would probably be torn at the back or shoulders if I tried to put them on. Whoever this woman was, she clearly didn’t have an ounce of muscle or fat on her. “Warp it, what do I have to do to-”
I paused as I pulled out the third-to-last article, and grimaced.
For several long moments, I stared at it. The notion of putting it on made my gorge rise, pushed up to the back of my throat by sheer shame, and I could feel my cheeks blazing just thinking about it. On the other hand, it was one of the only things I had found that might actually fit me and, at this point, I was rather badly starved for choices.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given

“For the Emperor answers all needs,” I recited through gritted teeth, “and only in hubris do we turn from our gifts to seek in the darkness that which we do not deserve.”
I had wanted clothes and the God-Emperor had provided. It was not for me to complain that they were not to my liking.
Eyeing the door cautiously, I sidled over to it and nudged the door shut, then dropped the robe and carefully pulled my find out over my head, tugging it down until it settled across me with something like grace, and turned to regard myself in the body-length mirror set to the side of the drawers. 