【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第一章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者(5)
The others know that I’m here, yet don’t know why. This journey is one I need to see through on my own, and I know the others well enough by now that there was only one way I could come here alone. I don’t necessarily feel good about being indirect with my intentions, but sometimes they can be a little too overprotective. Especially Kai. Sometimes I feel like this wouldn’t be the case if I weren’t the youngest on the team, even though, by a technicality, P.I.X.A.L. is the youngest by a good decade or so. Yet I’m not so sure the others take the aging of a Nindroid so literally, and perhaps I shouldn’t either. Regardless, I had to throw the others well and truly off my scent for this one. Not even Master Wu knows what I’m truly pursuing, and if he does have even the slightest suspicion, he chose not to confront me about it. As far as they know, I’m simply taking some time off the team to deal with the horrific resurrection of my now demon-like father, the revelation that I myself am part Oni and the untimely-death of Harumi. Which, to be fair, isn’t exactly a lie in itself. I have a lot to work through right now, and this ascent – while far from the wisest path forward – may be the only way to find what it is I’m looking for. For all I know, this supposed Wishmaster doesn’t even exist, and my upcoming climb of Ninjago’s tallest mountain will ultimately result in disappointment and desperation. Though after everything I’ve encountered over the years, from maniacal time travellers to criminal warlords to the embodiment of evil itself, I have no trouble believing in someone capable to granting wishes at this point. Though I swear we’ve encountered something along those lines before…