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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第二章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者(6)

His master Nadakhan was a demanding captain but deservedly so, and he had kept a tight ship and cared well for his crew.
A chill wind interrupted Clancee's thoughts as the door to the tavern was flung open and a stranger entered. 
The sudden cold reminded Clancee of that fateful night where his happiness aboard the Misfortune's Keep abruptly ended. 

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第二章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

It was a stormy and rainy night like many others. The sounds and muzzle flashes of cannons tore open the darkness and dense fog as two ships played a slow but deliberate game of cat and mouse. 
A night as many others in most aspects. 
Captain Soto and his ship. 
the Destiny's Bounty, had been rivals to Nadakhan's place as the undisputed ruler of the Endless Sea for years, but somehow this night did not end with the Destiny's Bounty drifting away with creaking planks and torn sails as usual. 

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第二章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者
