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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第三章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者(3)

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第三章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

Some nights I'll dream of Harumi, others I'll dream of a series of horrific events that have plagued my mind for far too long. My father sacrificing his own life in the Corridor of Elders, while I'm left helpless, forced to be the one to banish him to the Cursed Realm. The Overlord imprisoning me in a small, claustrophobic space, draining my Golden Power from my body. Being left to burn in the boiling pits of the Temple of Fire. Being abandoned at a dangerous, degrading boarding school at such a young age. Battling the Overlord while my friends and family fell to his dark influence. The list goes on and on, but none haunt me more than that of Morro's possession. The things I was forced to do without the slightest ounce of control. The nightmares I was forced to witness within his mind. The absolute and utterly powerless and helpless state of not being able to do a thing while your hands are responsible for the bringing of pain and suffering... it's enough to keep anyone from sleeping at night. Ultimately, I'm praying that this ascent will provide some much-needed closure to the things that keep me up at night, and that once this journey has reached its conclusion, my doubts on whether or not I am able to fulfil the role of the Green Ninja will be laid to rest.