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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️三章:自由 Free(10)


【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️三章:自由 Free

The world came slowly back to me.
My entire body reported the aches and pains of a long time spent riding a high of adrenaline and ignoring my wounds and bruises. My left arm, especially, was little more than a mass of agony that made me grimace as I finally managed to peel open my eyes.
The room was dark, but there was a scent to it that I couldn’t quite place. I felt my mother’s hand in mine, and I squeezed it softly to reassure myself that-
No… that’s not right.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️三章:自由 Free
