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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️三章:自由 Free(9)

And it was my fault.
Because I had not been strong enough, not strong enough to save them, nor strong enough to stand my ground and die with them.
The tide of blood rose, as it always did in my dreams. It rose until began seeping into my damaged armour, until it crested my gorget and reached my chin, then my lips, and-
There was singing.
Music filled the air like a physical force and I couldn’t properly account for where it was coming from. It was not a hymn, it wasn’t even in Gothic. It was new and so, so very old, and the voice that carried the song made the world around me ripple as it rose and fell with strength and something so much greater than beauty.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️三章:自由 Free

The sound and words, if that is what they were, slipped through the walls of sleep to my mind, and chased the smell of blood from my nose and the copper from my tongue as the tides began to recede it. In turn, those tides carried with them my dead sisters, and even though I knew they would find their way back to me, I found myself bitterly thankful to be free of them for even a short while.
Blackness swallowed me, and I was grateful.