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Emily's heel(9)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库
As soon as her daughter sits down, Sarah takes a handful of popcorn and stuffs it into her mouth in a hurry, munching loudly with her hand over her mouth. Her mother watches her with wide eyes while Emily pretends not to notice her, and when they finally leave the house half an hour later, she has to swallow hard to keep from crying.
Later, when she puts her headphones on and presses play on the CD player, she hopes David will hear the song she chose. She hopes he'll know who sings it and that he'll come rushing to her room to tell her, "Oh my God, what a coincidence! That song is called 'Drowning.'"

Emily’s heel

But that's not what happened. Instead, he doesn't respond to her message the same way he usually does. Usually he sends her at least one text with a funny joke. Normally, he sends her more than a couple of messages. Normally he's willing to spend hours talking, listening to each other laugh. This week he didn't write her, and she wonders if he's angry with her, wondering if he hates her. She feels a little bad about avoiding him, but that's normal, too.
She doesn't answer any of his texts, but he still finds the courage to call her. After three rings she hears him breathing heavily on the line and knows he's drunk. It's obvious. She doesn't hang up, though. If he keeps calling her he'll just get annoyed enough that she'll eventually pick up, and then she'll end up yelling at him.