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雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1(10)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

In the boat, Mark asked the old man:”What do you mean the freedom people can get in The Rain Dragon Canyon?” The old man thought for a moment, and he said:”You already know in the token, there was nothing you can’t do because there were no rules and laws at all. You can do anything you want, even you can kill a person and don’t need to be in charge of the thing you do.” Mark still get little confused. The old man said again:”You don't have to ask for many thing because you'll always know. You see, it's almost there.” Mark saw the frontal place.

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1
