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雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1(12)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

There seems to be no need for money here. He went to the street vendor to buy a sugar man, stopped to see the grandeur of the dam, and listened to the great sound of the water. I'll pick a wild flower on the side of the road. I'll go to a clear spring in the street and drink some spring water. He thought that there was very fun and wanted to keep playing. At this time, the token started to send the light again, Mark got it from his pocket and found there was some new words in the token: 

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1
