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雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1(8)

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

He found a sharp stone and made a scar in his finger. Then, he wrote his name:”Mark Douglas” in the token. In this time, there was another word appeared in the token:
This is the last and the most important stage. If you had already decided to live in The Rain Dragon Canyon, you had to be determined to leave your home forever and never break your promises. If you break your promises, you will receive the hard and savage penalty, and it will make you feel as if you are not living.If you had already decided, please use you own blood to make a fingerprint in your name.

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1
