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雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

2024-03-26 来源:百合文库

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1

Mark is a poor boy that his father was dead when he was 3 years old. His mother trying hard to play both the role of father and mother to bringing him up. However, he didn’t particularly understand his mum. After a quarrel with mom and running away from home, Mark came to a weird space called The Rain Dragon Canyon. At here, people don’t have laws, don’t have limitation, they have unlimited freedom, Mark was fascinated by all of things in The Rain Dragon Canyon. However, he found a very terrible secret of The Rain Dragon Canyon, is that people will die after a few days. In order to running away from here, Mark has to find the key and 4 special present. Therefore, he started his adventure with his new friend.

雨龙峡的夜与泪(The night and tear of the rain dragon canyon)--Chapter 1
